The following are a series of case studies which outline, in detail, the marketing and creative problem-solving philosophies Prism Design Group utilizes to define and address the needs of our clients. Each case study discusses program parameters, goals, the solutions developed and the results.

To learn more about how we assisted specific clients in defining their objectives; maximized their resources; and met their business goals; download and review any of the case study files listed to the right.

If you have a specific need or would just like to discuss our business approach, please e-mail us or contact us directly at 317 873 5671.

Integrated Marketing Case Study
(Downloadable .pdf)

Internal Communications Case Study
(Downloadable .pdf)

Sales Support Case Study
(Downloadable .pdf)

Brand Development Case Study
(Downloadable .pdf)

Print Collateral Case Study
(Downloadable .pdf)

Institutional Marketing Case Study
(Downloadable .pdf)