complete line
of fixed Isobaric CPAP Valves.
used with an integrated, portable CPAP system such as the WhisperFlow
generator, you can reduce the patients work of breathing; improve
their O2 saturation; be pro-active in treating pulmonary edema; prevent
the onset of post-operative atelectasis; aid in treatment of ARDS; assists
in alleviating tachypnea and aid in weaning off a ventilator.
Fixed pressure at any flow
Available in 22mm and 30mm connections
Sizes: 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, and 20.0cm of H2O
Sizes are color coded for easy identification
Interfaces directly with portable CPAP systems, manual resuscitators
and ventilator circuits
No adjusting necessary